* AS «BSAF FINANCE» does not offer investment portfolio management services, fund and asset management services, individual consultations on investing in financial instruments, or recommendations on the capital markets. These services are provided by companies in the Citadele Group: IPAS «CBL Asset Management», AAS «CBL Life» and AS « fonds».


The most popular method worldwide

Invest in international financial markets to help your savings grow


Extensive investment opportunities

Bringing together the money of many investors widens the opportunities for investing


Professional asset management

Entrust your spare assets to industry-renowned specialists

Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)

Funds whose price changes depend on the changing price of an index or gold, oil or another product. ETFs are traded on the stock market just like shares. For example, when you purchase a share of an index ETF, you are purchasing a share portfolio which includes shares from various companies. Indexes can include multiple share categories, or they can group company shares from one or several countries. Indexes can reflect trends in a specific industry, such as technology, health or the financial sector. Advantages:

  • Liquidity: constant ETF trading on the stock market with usually larger trading volumes than separate shares
  • Lower bank fees than buying each share separately
  • A more diversified portfolio and extensive availability – investment opportunities in various financial instruments (shares, bonds, goods), countries and regions, as well as industries

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